
Flexidao: Accelerating the transition to a clean and transparent energy system

Simone Accornero
CPO & Founder

Today marks a pivotal moment for Flexidao as a company - the launch of our new brand. As we step into this next chapter, I want to reflect on the origins and evolutions that have brought us to where we are.

Our Beginnings

Flexidao began with myself and two co-founders who were working as consultants in energy management, IT and business strategy at the time. Driven by our interest in the renewable energy market and emerging blockchain technology, we wanted to create a new and innovative way to track, certify and trade renewable electricity to a much higher resolution  than was currently possible in the market.

Our first commercial opportunity presented itself when we won Acciona’s open innovation challenge, and began implementing our software as Acciona’s new commercial platform for business clients. This work gained interest from other suppliers, and we started executing pilot projects all over Europe with market-leaders like Iberdrola, EDP, Orsted, Total, and Tauron. 

Greg, Joan and I, Flexidao’s three co-founders in the early days.

Learnings along the way

It was through our early work with suppliers, developing customer-facing solutions for energy buyers, that we secured Google and Microsoft as customers for projects in Europe. Both companies had recently announced ambitious goals to operate on clean energy every hour of every day and decided to test our solution to track, monitor, and report on their progress effectively. 

As our offering transitioned from innovative pilots to commercial implementations for a growing customer base, we realized:

  • We needed to prioritize regulatory compliance. This meant we couldn’t continue scaling the issuing of  high-resolution energy certificates - which is a regulated activity under the EU's Guarantees of Origin framework
  • The main value our clients were getting from our solution was better and more streamlined access to comprehensive consumption, certificate, and electricity generation data worldwide, as well as portfolio optimization and risk management capabilities.

So, as any adaptable entrepreneurs would do, we shifted from purely tracking & certifying electricity in high-resolution, and increased our focus on expanding our suite of global data access, software and advisory solutions for the electricity market. This is how we grew into a fully-fledged energy portfolio management software solution - which also led to becoming Google’s global contractor.

Where we are Today

Today, we launch our new brand with a clear mission: to provide organizations with data and digital tools to manage their clean energy portfolios effectively. 

The industry has previously lacked a clean electricity management tool specifically designed to jointly manage large portfolios of electricity contracts, energy certificates and self-production. Our tool can:

  • Manage risks
  • Streamline operations
  • Enhance decision-making through real-time data analysis.
  • Automate reporting processes 

In turn, this reduces manual workload, helping users develop strategic insight via better oversight, and ensuring timely and confident reporting to stakeholders. 

Designed for energy, asset management, and sustainability teams, we are already collaborating with global companies like Google, Microsoft, Iron Mountain, Vodafone and EdgeConnex. Customer feedback is crucial in shaping our product to meet the specific requirements of corporate energy buyers and suppliers, now and into the future.

I want to thank all of our partners, stakeholders and team members for making Flexidao what it is today. We intend to keep developing our software - empowering organizations through data and digital tools to not just gain a sustainability advantage, but a strategic one as well.